I’m Riccardo, a Software Engineer working fully remote at ShippyPro (Florence, Italy).

Throughout my career, I’ve explored a wide range of technologies and platforms, always keeping things engaging and continuously learning. My journey in development has led me through various domains, allowing me to work on both frontend and backend technologies.

Frontend: I have created user interfaces using HTML, styled them with CSS, added interactive elements with JavaScript, and delved into Angular and Vue to build dynamic and responsive web applications.

Backend: For server-side development, I have utilized frameworks like Spring Boot, Laravel, Express and CodeIgniter. These tools have enabled me to develop robust and efficient backend systems for web applications.

DevOps: Beyond coding, I have ventured into DevOps, utilizing Docker and leveraging AWS, Google Cloud, and Serverless technologies to ensure smooth deployment and efficient management of applications.

Data: In my roles, I’ve worked extensively with Data. I designed and implemented data visualization dashboards using Metabase and Grafana, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions.

I see myself as a continuous explorer of the tech landscape. There is always something new to uncover, an innovative approach to experiment with, or a problem to solve, which keeps me engaged, curious, and never bored.

Outside of work, you can find me kitesurfing, capturing photos, and enjoying the company of all the friendly dogs (or cats, to be honest).